January school news

January school news

Students and staff returned to school on January 3 after the holiday break amidst concerns of rising COVID cases. Per a communication from Superintendent Greg Martineau on December 31, the District remains committed to “consistent implementation of mitigation measures to ensure the safety of all students as it learns more about the spread of the Omicron variant.”

  • Staff and students are encouraged to participate in the district-wide pooled testing to be held on Wednesday, January 5. Testing will be done regularly on Mondays for the remainder of the school year (tests will be distributed on Fridays). Please be sure that you have completed a consent form. If you have tested positive for COVID, do not participate in the pooled testing for 90 days.
  • If your child has tested positive since December 21, parents are asked to complete the form notifying the school district
  • All should be wearing well fitted masks.
  • Schools will be assessing lunch protocols and maximizing social distancing as needed.
  • A reminder that at this time attendance at high school winter sports games and competitions will be limited to family members including siblings only.

View the District COVID Dashboard.

IMPORTANT DATES: Please consult individual school calendars for any updates and changes.

  • January 5: Northborough School Committee meeting (virtual), 6:30 p.m. View the agenda. Register to attend.
  • January 12-14: Kindergarten registration
  • January 17: No school in observance of Martin Luther King Day
  • January 19: Regional School Committee meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Algonquin Regional High School
  • January 21: Algonquin Regional High School end of Term 2
  • January 24 27, 31: Algonquin Regional High School Junior Workshops
  • January 25: NSPAC Transition Process webinar 9 a.m.


Algonquin Regional High School January menu

Melican Middle School January menu

Northborough elementary schools January menu