Jason Perreault for Board of Selectman

Jason Perreault for Board of Selectman

Following is the statement that was submitted by the candidate. 

My name is Jason Perreault, current Chairman of the Northborough Board of Selectmen, completing my second 3-year term and seeking a third. I have a long record of service to the Town and I ask for your support at this year’s Town Election to apply that accumulated experience to help the Town meet the latest, most significant challenge.

For more detailed information and updates through Election Day on June 30, see my Facebook page Jason Perreault for Northborough Board of Selectmen, blog at jp4bos.com, or email me at jp4bos@gmail.com.

Before joining the Board, I served for ten years on the Town’s Financial Planning Committee, seven as its Chair. I also served as Vice Chair of the Lincoln Street School Building Committee; represented the Board on the Master Plan Steering Committee; and am the Board’s liaison to the Planning Board.

During the Great Recession, the Town was able to maintain services and complete significant capital improvements, thanks primarily to disciplined planning, financial policy revision, health plan redesign, and favorable commercial and industrial development. Northborough emerged from that economic downturn with its highest ever bond rating, strong reserves, exemplary financial audit, ten-time award winning, best practices budget, and tax rate increases over this period that were among the lowest for comparable Massachusetts communities.

It is precisely these elements — financial policies, fiscal discipline, short- and long-term planning, and sound municipal management practices enacted over the last decade — that today put Northborough on a strong foundation to cope with the extremes of the current Covid-19 crisis.

The impacts are broad – health, jobs, commerce, education, social – requiring careful, thoughtful planning and coordination to address them.

As your Selectman, I will encourage, support, or explore:

·      Recommendations that prioritize public health and safety

·      Maintenance of critical municipal services

·      Suitable measures for near-term relief and long-term recovery

·      Advocacy for increased state and federal assistance

·      Sustainable budget practices and service levels

·      Well-reasoned decision making based on sound policies and relevant data

·      Measures to meet long-term post-employment pension and benefit obligations

·      Investment to improve and maintain capital infrastructure

·      Commercial/industrial development to mitigate residential tax burden

·      Preservation of open space

·      Cost-effective service delivery alternatives

A brief chronology of my past Town service and experience follow, refer to my blog site for greater detail. In each case, I served through the duration or moved to a higher level of responsibility. I believe the board and committee members I’ve worked with would agree that I do my share of the work, and usually more.

Board of Selectmen
Chair (2) and Vice-Chair during 2nd term.
Led Board’s effort for recreational marijuana prohibition bylaws.
Pursued legal and legislative relief for abutters of SA Farms.

Master Plan Steering Committee

Financial Planning Committee
Chair. Additional $1.7M Town share of ARHS reimbursement.

Lincoln Street School Building Committee
Vice-Chair. Renovation completed on time and $1.38M under budget.

Elderly & Disabled Taxation Fund Committee
Chair. $25,000 of assistance awarded.

K-8 School Building Feasibility Study Committee
Report editor and Peaslee parent representative.