Join Diane Cournoyer Dance at Applefest!

Join Diane Cournoyer Dance at Applefest!

Join Diane Cournoyer Dance Center Saturday September 18th 11-3 p.m. at the corner of rte 135 and rte 20 (behind the Michelle Gillespie Real Estate Office) for glitter tattoos, mermaid hair and the Uhlman’s Ice Cream Truck! The dancers will be doing a live performance at 12:00pm followed by a short, free dance class (all are welcome!) from 12:30-1pm. While you’re there, enter a raffle to win a free dance party!

Later that evening, Diane Cournoyer Dance Center will be at the fireworks at Algonquin Regional High School. Swing by their tent for more glitter tattoos, mermaid hair and some other goodies—plus a hula hoop contest and giveaways!!