Leslie is running for re-election for the Board of Selectmen.
Why do you want to serve in this position?
I have always enjoyed serving the Town and volunteering in different capacities. I was motivated to first get involved when my oldest, Pat, began Kindergarten at Peaslee. I co-chaired the PTO and was elected to the School Council, which enabled me to work with the Principal and other members on the proposed budget and capital items to be submitted to the Superintendent for review. After being twice elected to the Northborough School Committee, I ran for the Board of Selectmen. I felt strongly that because of my experience with the schools and the school administration, I could offer that particular insight as regards the municipal side of things. The school budget typically makes up approximately 2/3 of the municipal budget, so having that particular frame of reference has been extremely helpful. I continue to serve on both the Melican Middle School and ARHS School Councils, and feel it has enabled a good working relationship between the Schools and Town Administration. There is lots of work ahead, and I’m hopeful for an addition/renovation project at Peaslee, once we receive authorization and approval of the MA School Bldg Assistance (MSBA) program, which contributes upwards of 40% to projects of this size. I also look forward to continued work on the new Fire Station project, now that all mitigation at the new site has been completed.
What special qualifications and experience will you bring to the office?
In addition to what I have mentioned above, I am the liaison to several boards, committees, and commissions, as a member and Vice-Chair of the Board of Selectmen. Some meet on an occasional/as needed basis, while others meet once a month or more. I have always been a good listener, attend each and every meeting, strive to collaborate, and have worked with integrity and dedication in each position I have held.
Describe one other activity you’ve been involved with in town. What has it meant to you, and how did it shape and impact the town?
I served as Chair of the Lincoln Street School Building Committee for 4 years. It was a project that resulted in the wonderful and much-needed addition/renovation of that school. We ultimately came in $1 million under budget after being certain that all necessary items were incorporated into the plan and that the completed project met all necessary requirements to best suit the needs of our school community. Our meetings included regular updates from the Superintendent, the Town Administrator, the Architectural firm, the Owner’s Project Manager, and members of our committee who had relevant experience with the schools. Due diligence was the bottom line, and I am very proud of the LSS Building Committee and the final product, which came in under budget, with a sizeable contribution from the MSBA.
Describe three key issues/challenges facing the town, and how will you address them in this role?
- The first key issue we are facing is the downtown and its improvement and revitalization. We have the awkward intersections of Rt 20, Rt 135, and Church Street, which make it difficult to have a literal town center. Also, because of the busyness of the downtown, trucks to/from industrial areas in town, and Rt 20 which is a state highway, there are difficulties in ensuring the safety of walkers and those who bike. Also, the location of Northborough makes us a pass-through for commuters to and from Worcester and Boston for both commuters and trucks, all of which helps to make up the many factors which affect the feel and appearance of our town. All of this needs to be reviewed in order for a true revitalization to take place. The Master Plan Implementation Subcommittee (MPIC) has worked hard to solicit opinions on the needs and desires of the community, and as a member of the Board of Selectmen, I support their work as they move forward on this particular priority.
- The second issue is improving our sidewalks. We have many locations which don’t have access to sidewalks, which are sorely needed in order to have seamless walking/running capability for residents. Many sidewalks are also in need of improvement, which must be taken care of as soon as possible before they deteriorate and are beyond repair, ultimately costing us more. Our DPW Department continues to do a fabulous job on all of our infrastructure, and with the Sidewalk Management Plan and the advent of the Complete Streets Program, we hope to accomplish much in the area of sidewalk improvement, also determined to be a priority by the MPIC.
- The third issue is the challenge of effective communication with our residents. Many don’t have the opportunity to watch meetings, so being able to effectively communicate updates and alerts is extremely important. Our town website contains a wealth of information, but it requires residents to actively pursue the information. ‘Town News’ is also emailed out to residents when necessary, if the resident has signed up for these emails via the Town website. I highly recommend this by the way, and have mentioned this during our Selectmen’s meetings. I would like to look into acceptable and reasonable ways to better use social media, so that all residents can more quickly have access to important items.
Is there anything you would like to share about yourself?
I love our community, and love working with the residents who serve on our many boards and committees. We have a beautiful town, and it is imperative that we continue to enjoy all that it has to offer, with an emphasis on its history as we move forward to best meet the needs of residents. Thank you for taking the time to read this submission, and I ask for your vote on Tuesday, May 10 to re-elect Leslie Rutan to the Board of Selectmen!