For Melican Teachers and Staff

For Melican Teachers and Staff

We wanted to take a moment to thank the teachers and staff at Melican Middle School for all of the effort they have put in to make the school year so successful.  I’m sure being a middle school teacher can be both rewarding and quite challenging under normal circumstances, but as we all know, these are not normal times.  My daughter is currently in the hybrid model and we could not be more pleased with how this is working out for her. One of the perks of having remote learning days is that I occasionally have the opportunity to hear what is going on in the class room.  From a reader’s theater of To Kill a Mockingbird to hearing the different ways teachers are working to keep the kids engaged in learning it has been truly impressive.  I know much effort has been put into making this year a positive learning experience in multiple formats and what you have been able to achieve is a truly impressive accomplishment.  We thank you all for your continued dedication to the safety and education of our Northboro students.

Liz Nasser and Dave Kopstein