NCC Announces Patient of the Month

NCC Announces Patient of the Month

Northboro Chiropractic Center is thrilled to share with you their Patient of the Month: Oliver.
Here is Oliver’s story, from his Mom…

Oliver was born on December 16th 2014, he was frank breech during pregnancy and was born with the umbilical chord around his neck and shoulders. 

Oliver was an easy baby in the beginning, he was moving, rolling over, smiling and engaged but at around 5 months, he completely changed. Oliver suffered an adverse reaction to his DTaP vaccine and from that point on his life completely changed. It was as if he couldn’t move his body, he wasn’t smiling, he needed to rock 24/7, he didn’t want to be touched, he cried non-stop, hardly slept and his diapers smelled toxic. 

After numerous visits at the Doctor and being told “don’t worry, you’re a first time Mom and he’s fine”, we were desperate to help our son, our gut told us he wasn’t “fine”. 

We came to NCC in September 2015 after a friend, and also a patient, had suggested Chiropractic care for Oliver. At this point he was in Early Intervention and had missed every milestone, he couldn’t push up or roll over, he was very disconnected….it was very apparent that Oliver needed help, we wanted our Son back. 

We were a little nervous during our first visit to speak up about our Son’s adverse reaction, after all, by this point we had lost so many friends and his own pediatrician wouldn’t believe us – why would a chiropractor?

During Oliver’s assessment and talking about his situation, it was apparent we were in the right hands. For the first time we felt acknowledged, understood, welcomed and most importantly, we felt respected. And so we began his care. 

After 5 adjustments, Oliver was able to start pushing up. After 7 adjustments, Oliver started napping and sleeping. We were blown away by the changes with the initial adjustments and we were excited to see the benefits in the longer term. Gradually over time he started to crawl and then saw him walking at 20 months! Slowly but surely he was making progress. 

As time went on, the team at NCC became part of our family. The level of attentiveness to helping Oliver overcome his struggles surpasses anything we could have imagined. It was very obvious at this point that Oliver was Autistic, and so Dr. Karen directed us to some resources to start his road to recovery. We feel so incredibly lucky to have had such amazing support system so early on in his journey – by the time Oliver received his official diagnoses (just before his 2nd birthday) we already had everything in place to heal him from the test confirmed aluminum that was deposited in his little body and severe gut dysfunction. 

In October 2017, Oliver suffered a regression where he was stuck in a world of repetitive behaviors and his aggression and meltdowns were off the charts. Dr. Karen watched several videos I had made of his behaviors and she changed his care plan to adjust only the left side of his body, which would help the right side of his brain. We saw a difference within 3 adjustments. 

And here were are today with an amazing 3 year old boy who is talking, making eye contact, walking, running, making friends, singing, loving cuddles and body contact, he sleeps 12 hours a night, eats all types of food and most importantly, he’s happy! His fight is not over, but he has come so very far. 

Without a shadow of a doubt, Oliver would not be where he is today if we had not come to Northboro Chiropractic. Not only in regards to his care, but also the support you gave me as a Mother. I remember vividly being told “to be the best for Oliver, you need to take care of you first” – this was so true! You lifted me up during my down times, supported me during uncertainty and cared for me too so that I could be the best for my little boy! Just another example of how much NCC truly cares about everyone! 

From the actual adjustments themselves to the love and support from the team, I can wholeheartedly say that chiropractic care at NCC will always be part of our health and wellness plan. 

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for truly caring about all your patients and giving our bodies the ability to function at its best. 

-Oliver & Oliver’s Mummy