Northborough Southborough School committees officially support 4-day in school plan

Northborough Southborough School committees officially support 4-day in school plan

A joint meeting of the Northborough and Southborough K-8 school committees meet on Feb. 11. They all voted unanimously to support the superintendent’s plan for elementary school students to return to a four-day in person model starting on March 22.

The District’s Medical Advisory Team (MAT) has been meeting regularly since the summer to make decisions based on research and data. Student, staff and teacher health and safety have been a priority. There is a huge amount of preparation that continues to happen behind the scenes.

All school committee members were in favor of the plan going forward, but questions raised created good discussions.

  • Data from a parent survey revealed that most hybrid students will continue with the 4-day in school model and very few will switch to the Stand Alone Remote Program (SARP). Some students currently in the SARP program will be shifting to the new model as well.
  • Parents are encouraged to sign up their children for the pool COVID-19 screening as this will result in data to base future decisions on. The goal is to have 80% of students screened weekly.
  • This screening cannot be mandated for students; however, it can be and will be mandated for students participating in after school extra curricular activities including clubs and athletics.
  • The District took a conservative approach to the distancing guidelines of 3-6 feet. With the increased number of students in the building at a time in the new model, they are still able to keep 5 feet of distance in most classrooms, but no less than 4 feet.  At lunch, the 6 feet rule will not change.
  • New transportation guidelines will be reviewed. Currently, one student per school bus seat is permitted. The new guidelines may allow for two students per seat. If capacity levels become an issue, the District will work with families on those routes.
  • Even though more students will be in school together, it is not recommended that you start making indoor playdates for your children. Well fitting masks and social distancing is still important until herd immunity is reached. Outdoor activities like sledding, snow shoeing, and firepits are safer.
  • Concerns for a possible spike in numbers after the February school break were discussed. This vacation break is not a time that families gather like they do for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so the type of spikes in cases seen after the holidays are not anticipated.
  • Discussion for plans for the middle school and high school to shift to the 4-day, in-person model will begin on Monday, Feb. 22. No timeline on implementation has been set.

The entire meeting can be viewed at the link using passcode 6Y=#5n^^.