November school news

November school news

Enjoy the last week of daylight savings time! Clocks are turned back one hour Saturday night! Here’s what to know in November in the schools, but be sure to check individual school and district websites for any changes.

  • The Public Schools of Northborough and Southborough has launched a survey to seek parent and guardian input and feedback on the development of the 2023-2024 Student Calendar. The input and feedback provided will be shared with school committees at the next Combined School Committee meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, December 7, 2022.  COMPLETE THE SURVEY BEFORE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 4 PM
  • The Rotary Club of Northborough continues to coordinate the Nutrition 68 program, which fills a weekend backpack with food for students in need. It signifies the approximately 68 hours of hunger that some experience between the free lunch they receive in school on Friday and the free lunch they receive in school on Monday. VIEW THE ROTARY AMAZON WISH LIST to contribute to this program. Students at all four Northborough elementary schools and Melican Middle School are supported. When selecting the address, it will say “Joe Marco’s gift registry.”
  • Keep up with the plans for the renovated Algonquin sports complex. View information. A community online survey needs your input.
  • Algonquin Regional High School’s award winning student newspaper, The Harbinger, can be viewed online.


  • Nov. 1: Northborough School Committee Meeting, Melican Middle School Library at 6:30 p.m. VIEW AGENDA
  • Nov. 8: No school due to elections. Professional Development Day.
  • Nov. 9-10: Early release for elementary school, parent/teacher conferences
  • Nov. 11: No School in observance of Veterans Day
  • Nov. 16: Regional School Committee meeting, Algonquin Regional High School Library, 6:30 p.m.
  • Nov. 17-19: Algonquin Regional High School musical production, Guys & Dolls. Stay tuned for ticket information.
  • Nov. 23: Early release day to start Thanksgiving Break
  • Nov. 24-25: Thanksgiving Break, no school


Algonquin Regional High School Menu

Elementary School Menu

Melican Middle School Menu