Regional School Committee meeting snapshot

Regional School Committee meeting snapshot

The Regional School Committee met on October 21 and here are some highlights:

  • Three weeks into the hybrid learning model and things are overall going well. Kids have only been physically in school for 6 days in this model, as they began classes on October 6, but are adapting with reminders to the adjustments needed to keep everyone healthy and safe.
  • At the time of the meeting, five COVID-19 positive cases were reported in the Northborough Southborough Public Schools District, but no in-school transmission was noted. (As of Oct. 22, that number is 8). The District is working closely with the local Public Health Department for any contact tracing. The District’s dashboard is updated twice a week and a comprehensive resource page has been created.
  • If your child needs a COVID-19 test, request the PCR test and remember that the incubation period of the virus is 2-14 days, so don’t get tested too soon if you have been exposed to the virus.
  • Teachers are teaching creatively, including live streaming to include remote learners and holding class outside. They are prioritizing their time to meet the critical curriculum standards in a very different school year.
  • Students are liking the smaller classes, averaging 10-12 students.
  • The Fine & Performing Arts Department presented on how COVID-19 has impacted their Department. Indoor choral singing is still not allowed; and just recently orchestra instruments are being allowed indoors with safety guidelines. Live theater productions can’t happen with an audience, but a virtual musical theater cabaret is being produced and will be released in December.
  • The Algonquin Parent Teacher Organization presented as well, highlighting their goals for the year ahead to support teachers, students and staff. They are currently collecting Clorox/Lysol wipes (must be the exact brand), tissues, and select-a-size paper towel rolls. In addition, they are helping the  nurse/health office collect water, ginger ale, saltines, and socks. You can ring the bell at the rotunda entrance, and the front office will send someone from the health office to pick them up from you. Contact the APTO by email at  You can also donate online.
  • A comparison between MassCore graduation requirements and ARHS’s graduation requirements was discussed.

The full meeting can be viewed on the Northborough Cable YouTube channel.