Special Ed Basic Rights presentation

The Northborough Southborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council (NSPAC) is hosting its annual free Basic Rights presentation on Wednesday, March 13, 6-8 p.m. at Robert E. Melican Middle School, 145 Lincoln Street.

This presentation will provide an introduction of the complex special education laws and procedures. The program will benefit those who are just beginning the special education process, but also will reinforce information for those who have been part of the process. All are welcome including parents and professionals.

Please RSVP to nspac1@gmail.com by Wednesday, March 6 for planning purposes.

Workshop topics will include:

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Massachusetts Laws
  • Evaluations and Referrals
  • The Team Meeting
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 Plans
  • Effective Progress
  • Transition
  • Review of Important Timelines
  • Strategies for Success
  • and more!

The Federation of Children with Special Needs provides educational workshops such as the Basic Rights presentation.