Special education parent group to celebrate SEPAC Awareness Month

Special education parent group to celebrate SEPAC Awareness Month

The Northborough Southborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council (NSPAC) is supportive of the statewide SEPAC Awareness Month of November. On Tuesday, November 1, the Zakim Bridge, Longfellow Bridge in Boston, Fore River Bridge in Quincy/Weymouth and Burns Bridge in Worcester will be lit up yellow to kick start SEPAC Awareness Month in the Commonwealth. 

The mission of the Northborough/ Southborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is to work for the understanding of, respect for, and support of all children with special needs in the community. NSPAC is a volunteer-run, positive and solution oriented organization of parents of students ages 3-22 with special needs, medical challenges, and learning differences. NSPAC meets monthly to provide support, information, and educational resources as well as promote and encourage understanding, acceptance, and inclusion of children that are neurodiverse. There are 807 students on Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 281 students on 504 plans in our Districts for the 2022/23 School Year. 

Download the NSPAC brochure.

Massachusetts Special Education Regulations state that each school committee shall establish a Special Education Parent Advisory Council (PAC) on Special Education (Chapter 71B, Sec 3, Para 19). A SEPAC is a formally organized group of individuals committed to the best possible services for children with special needs. A SEPAC:

  • Promotes a network of parents and forum to share information
  • Advises the school district on special education programs, training needs, and policy
  • Promotes communication between PAC members; local, state and national organizations, councils and groups
  • Promotes understanding, awareness, acceptance, and inclusion within the community
  • Provides informational forums for parents, students, educators, and professionals
  • Provides support to all families navigating the special education process

Who should join the SEPAC?

  • Parents and/or guardians of children who receive any type of special education services or accommodations in school, such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP), a 504 accommodation, or out-of-district placement.
  • Parents who think their child may have some learning challenges or differences.
  • Parents who would like to understand or have an interest in the Special Education process.
  • Parents, educators, or any members of the community who want to learn more!

You can find out more about NSPAC at www.nspac.org 

You can learn about how to participate or volunteer with NSPAC by sending an email to  nspac1@gmail.com