Summer garden hints

Summer garden hints

The Northborough Garden Club would like to suggest a few ideas to help your home garden look bright and floriferous over the next few months:

  • Spring blooming shrubs need to be pruned before mid-July in order to prepare them for next year’s bloom and not to destroy the fragile flower buds, which are now forming for next year. Also, it is helpful to add fertilizer or compost to give them a boost during the hot days of summer.
  • Sedums typically begin their autumn show mid-August and last throughout the fall. In order to get the most out of your plant, prune it back now, snipping at the joint of two leaves just down from the top. This will help the plant to branch, produce more flowers and bloom just a bit later, more towards the early fall.
  • To extend the bloom on mums and asters, give them a bit of a trim before July 4. this will help them to branch out and develop more stems and flowers. They like to eat, too, so add some fertilizer or compost.

Join us at our first meeting on September 3 at the Northborough Library. New members are always welcome.