Tee time with Lowe’s Market and Lions Club

Tee time with Lowe’s Market and Lions Club

It’s time to tee up for the 1st Annual Lowe’s/Northboro Lions Golf Tournament. The event will take place on Tuesday, June 7 at Juniper Hill Golf Course located at 202 Brigham Street. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and a shotgun start at 9 a.m.

The tournament is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Lions Club and allows them to give back to the local community in so many ways.

In person sign up is at Lowe’s Market and Meat Shop located at 255 West Main Street. Individual golfers, $125; foursome, $500. This includes coffee and continental breakfast; hors d’oeuvres and lunch served after golf.

There are also sponsorship opportunities ranging from tee sponsor ($125) to an event sponsor ($3000).

Email colleencrowley@hotmail.com for more information.