Time for Some Financial Spring Cleaning

Time for Some Financial Spring Cleaning

The following advice comes from Carol Crowley, Edward Jones Financial Advisor

Spring is just about here. This year, as you tidy up your home and surroundings, why not also consider some financial spring cleaning?

You could begin by “de-cluttering” your investment portfolio and replacing investments that no longer meet your needs with ones that do.

It might also be a good move to “dust off” your investment strategy. Over time, this strategy may have gotten outdated, especially if you’ve experienced significant changes in your life, such as a new job, a new child or even a new plan for retirement. By periodically reviewing your investment strategy, you’ll be able to clarify your vision for the future.

Finally, just as you clear your garage or storage areas of hazardous objects, you may want to check for dangers in your financial situation. To name just one: Are you leaving your family unprotected in case something happens to you? To help avoid this problem, make sure your protection strategy is up to date.

Financial spring cleaning can pay off – and you don’t even need a broom!