Town election nomination papers available

Town election nomination papers available

The Town of Northborough local election will be held on Tuesday, May 10.

There are a few key roles up for re-election this cycle including:

  • Planning Board: Michelle Gillespie (incumbent)
  • Board of Selectmen: Leslie Rutan (incumbent)
  • Regional School Committee: Joan Frank (incumbent)
  • Northborough School Committee: Keith Lebel (incumbent)
  • Moderator: Fred George (incumbent)

Interested in running? Request your nomination forms by completing the form found online. Once Town Hall receives the form, you will be provided with additional instructions regarding the process. You will need to obtain at least 50 signatures of registered voters.

The deadline to obtain nomination papers is Friday, March 11 at 12 p.m.
The deadline to return nomination papers is Tuesday, March 15 at 5 p.m.

View a listing of incumbent office holders and those that have obtained nomination papers.

View of list of all vacant positions on Boards and Committees.