Virtual panel discussion on human trafficking in MA to be held

Virtual panel discussion on human trafficking in MA to be held

Northboro Junior Woman’s Club and the MetroWest Commission on the Status of Women is hosting a virtual panel discussion, Hidden in Plain Sight: Human Trafficking in Massachusetts.

The discussion will be held on Thursday, Sept. 9 at 7 p.m. and will include a diverse panel including Senator Harriette L. Chandler, Northborough Police Chief William Lyver, and representatives from Voices Against Violence in Framingham and Living in Freedom Together (LIFT) in Worcester. The event will be moderated by MetroWest Commissioner Rachel Niemiec.

Online registration is required to receive the webinar link.

“Human trafficking isn’t something that happens somewhere else; it happens here,” said NJWC member Martha Michalewich.

The topic is an area of concern that NJWC was interested in bringing to the community. Michalewich, along with NJWC member and MetroWest Commissioner Ceylan Rowe, initiated the event.

Each of the panel participants has an area of expertise on the topic. Promoting legislation and law enforcement, assisting survivors, helping victims of domestic violence and bringing the discussion surrounding healthy relationships into schools.

The discussion will look at the topic from all different angles and multiple stake holders.

Rowe and Michalewich anticipate a good turnout and are excited for the event.

The event not only brings awareness to labor trafficking and sexual trafficking, but everyone who attends will walk away with a call to action.

“It’s a subject that everyone wants to look away from,” said Michalewich. “It’s hard to think about human trafficking.”

The facts show that the perpetuators could be your neighbors and people you trust she said.

The anticipated influx of Afghan refugees eventually seeking employment is another reminder how important and relevant this issue is.

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