Volunteers Needed! Traffic Safety Committee

Volunteers Needed! Traffic Safety Committee

June 21, 2023
For immediate release:

Volunteers Needed
Traffic Safety Committee

At their meeting on June 12, 2023, the Northborough Select Board established a permanent Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) that will consist of four (4) voting members appointed by the Select Board and one (1) voting member appointed by the Planning Board for staggered three-year terms. The Committee should include geographical and user diversity. 

The charge of the TSC shall be to promote and enhance the physical, social and economic environment in which all forms of pedestrian and vehicle transportation can work together for a safe, clean, healthy and vital community. 

The TSC shall be responsible for promoting enhanced traffic safety in Town by creating a forum where residents can voice concerns, suggestions and requests. The TSC shall work with Town staff to examine potential improvements to existing traffic situations and identify long and short-term solutions to traffic issues in Northborough. The TSC will also be a conduit for community input to the Town Administrator, Select Board, Planning Board, DPW Department, Police Department and other Town officials, Boards and Committees to address resident requests for improving livability, drivability, bike ability, walkability and accessibility of neighborhood streets in Northborough.  

If interested, please complete the attached Town Application Form no later than Monday,
July 24th to the Select Board, 63 Main Street, Northborough, MA 01532
or by email to dwackell@town.northborough.ma.us.