What happened at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting?

What happened at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting?

The Northborough Board of Selectmen met on October 19. Here are the highlights:

  • Attorney Mark Donahue represents The Gutierrez Company – the company who wants to build another industrial distribution center at 0 Bartlett Street, which is not popular with residents. Donahue has resigned from his role on the town’s Industrial Development Commission as residents questioned if there was a conflict of interest. The Board of Selectmen appoint members to that committee.  The Board of Selectmen, however, did consult with Town Counsel and it was deemed that there was no conflict of interest. Donahue is also a member of the Master Plan Steering Committee.
  • A truck exclusion on Bartlett Street for this development has been discussed during the Planning Board hearings. Trucks would be redirected away from Bartlett Street towards Route 20. Towns where the traffic is being diverted have to agree and Westborough and Marlborough are not on board with that proposal.
  • Some residents want a revival of the Citizens Advisory Board, but with the guidance of Town Counsel, the Board of Selectmen said it has been inactive for 35 years, is obsolete and would be an overlap of efforts with current committees and boards.
  • In other news, early voting is working out well. Over 5,000 mail-in ballots have been sent out to residents and 566 residents voted in person in the first three days. All voting information is on the town’s website.
  • Assistant Town Administrator Rebecca Meekins started her new role.
  • Three new firefighters/paramedics have been hired by the Northborough Fire Department: Anthony Riccardo, Cameron Tracia, and Matthew Tufo.
  • Don’t forget to check out the generously donated and newly installed pergola at the Northborough Town Common.

The meeting can be viewed on YouTube at the Northborough Remote Meetings link.