ZBA recommendations create a lot of chatter

ZBA recommendations create a lot of chatter

The Board of Selectmen Interview Committee members Scott Rogers and Jason Perreault held interviews for two Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) regular seats and one alternate seat on March 29 and March 31.

Terms for incumbents Fran Bakstran and Mark Rutan are expiring; they interviewed for reappointment. The alternate seat is open due to the pending departure of Leslie Harrison.

There were also four others vying for the open seats in hopes to balance the Board’s voice and perspective: John Wixted, Jonathan Rea, Ashley Davies and Suzanne Cieslica.

In the past few months, many residents raised concerns on reappointing board members, who continue to be reappointed for more than ten years, making it almost impossible for new volunteers to become involved in roles with ZBA. Two similar resident petitions were submitted to the Board of Selectmen before their last meeting held on March 22 for review to bring these concerns to the town’s attention. The petition was not discussed.

After all interviews were complete, Rogers and Perreault discussed the qualifications of each applicant. Perrault stated that Davies was the most qualified applicant. She currently serves on the Open Space Committee and the Master Plan Implementation Committee. She has solid experience and background as an attorney, conservation specialist, and expertise in zoning bylaw interpretation. Yet, Perreault  said it would be “too much of a load to also have her serve on the ZBA.” He felt that her role on the Master Plan Implementation Committee would be more beneficial to the town.

However, Fran Bakstran also serves on the Master Plan Implementation Committee and the same concern was not discussed with her during her interview time.

The Interview Committee in the end decided that incumbent experience rated higher and both Bakstran and Rutan were recommended for reappointment. Cieslica was recommended for the alternate seat. She brings experience as a commercial and residential real estate attorney, who previously worked in New York state with zoning boards, town boards, and residents.

The appointment recommendations will be brought forward to the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting scheduled for Monday, April 12 at 7 pm.

Inform yourself on how the interview process proceeded and view the full interviews on the Northborough Remote Meeting channel on YouTube for both dates March 29 and March 31.