Zeh School Pancake Breakfast

Zeh School Pancake Breakfast

The Zeh School 5th grade class will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 14, from 8:30-10:30 am at the Zeh Elementary School located at 33 Howard Street.

Advance tickets are $5/person (max $25/family) or $6/person (max $30/family) if purchased on the day of the event. Payment can be made via Venmo @ZehSchoolPTO (please note Pancake Breakfast and family name).

A toppings bar will be featured, along with musical performances by the Zeh 5th graders and Melican Middle School stage band. Take your chance on the Pot O’Gold 50/50 and a variety of raffles.

Proceeds will support the Zeh School PTO.