Sing Into Spring

Sing Into Spring

The Assabet Valley Chambersingers will present a choral concert “Sing Into Spring” which will feature music intended to awaken and refresh all our emotional senses.  Five centuries of choral music will be represented beginning with the delightful and frivolous madrigals of the 17th century through to the lush contemporary settings of romantic poetry by some of the 21st century’s youngest composers.  The program will include madrigals, motets, Broadway show tunes, vocal jazz as well as classic and contemporary choral works.  It should provide a refreshing delightful musical experience as well as move one’s emotion with the strong sentiments of contemporary poetry.

The Assabet Valley Chambersingers is a 20-voice ensemble selected from the Assabet Valley Mastersingers. The Chambersingers perform unaccompanied madrigals and motets from all periods as well as Broadway show tunes and vocal Jazz standards.  Organized in 1988 by Director Dr. Robert Eaton as a civic outreach program in the greater Worcester/Marlborough area, the Chambersingers provide entertainment for a variety of audiences including Sr. Centers, Libraries, Assisted Living Facilities, and various community events as well as their own concert series.

Sunday, April 14, 3:00 PM, The Congregational Church of Westborough
Sponsored in part by Westborough Local Cultural Council
Free but donations are welcome.  “Pay What You Wish”