March 16-18

March 16-18

Friday 3/16

  • Kick start St. Patty’s Day Weekend with a special activity—St. Patrick’s Day Crafternoon, from 1-4PM at the Northborough Free Library.
  • Get your glow on at Root & Sprout Family Fitness‘s Glow POUND, BUTI, and Bubbly event. It will be a crazy, fun glow-in-the-dark workout like no other — topped off with some adult beverages at the end!
  • If Friday night exercise isn’t your thing, drop by Trinity Church for Open Mic Night. Performers and spectators both welcome!

Saturday 3/17

  • The Zeh School 5th graders will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Pancake Breakfast. The event will feature a toppings bar, “Pot o’ Gold” 50/50 raffle, and student musical performances.
  • Work off those pancakes Saturday night at the Northboro Contra Dance. Newcomers always welcome. Bring a friend!

Sunday 3/18

  • If you didn’t get enough pancakes on Saturday—or have an appetite for more—the Northborough Rotary Club will be hosting their Pancake Jazz Breakfast on Sunday from 8-12 at Peaslee School. Proceeds help fund scholarships for deserving local students.
  • On the hunt for a new home? Stop by the Open House at 10 Blueberry Lane between 1-3. Can’t make the open house? Reach out to Karen Scopetski for details.

And don’t forget to:

  • Register your team for NEF’s Team Trivia Night before the price goes up next week!
  • Stock up on wine from Armeno Coffee Roasters wine cellar. The 15% off sale is on for just two more weeks!
  • Book your vendors for any spring celebrations — First Communion, Mothers Day, Graduations, etc. Romaine’s Wood Bar and Grill has the perfect private dining room and delicious menus. Or host at home and have Sir Loin Catering bring the mouth-watering eats.
  • Contact Northwood Insurance for a policy review — especially after these latest storms.
  • Book a spring family or individual portrait session with Susan Ogar Photography
  • Plan a Ladies Night in your home with Heart & Stone Jewelry. Make your own gifts for all those spring occasions — and have a great night with friends while you’re doing it!
  • Let us know if you have any events to share. And tell your favorite local businesses that you’d love to see them featured in the Northborough Guide!
  • Share this with friends… and subscribe to our email (below) so you don’t miss the next Roundup!